Connecting All to God's Love
There are not many places that truly welcome diversity but here, ALL, really does mean ALL. ALL are welcome, regardless of age, background or belief. All are welcome to worship. All are welcome to attend activities or events. All are welcome to join us in serving our community or on mission experiences. Through our honest welcome, we hope you experience compassionate care that will connect you to God’s love

One of our biggest connections at First Christian Church happens EVERY Sunday at the Table. We welcome ALL to the Table, as God was the first to welcome us. Connections happen in a variety of ways and in different places. We welcome all to connect through worship; through serving our community or the world; through spiritual growth or through fellowship. Check out the calendar, choose a way to connect and connect with us soon. We pray that connection will provide an opportunity to experience God’s love and will leave you eager to experience more.

We use the narrative lectionary which is church talk for we love to tell the stories of the Bible. Stories are important for us; they are how we understand the world and our place in it. A series of facts is not powerful unless there is a compelling story connecting them. Stories form our faith. We hope to make the stories of the bible relevant to your life but that work can only happen through the Spirit. Listen for yourself and see what the Spirit has to say to you through the Book that shares the story of God’s love for all.
We invite you to join in the life and work of this church by giving financially. In doing so, you connect with God’s purpose and vision which enables the Good News to effectively reach others in the Stillwater community and around the world. Thank you for your generosity.
411 W. Mathews, Stillwater, OK 74075
Sunday Mornings @ 10:30am